“I loved the simple and clear directives, the individual treatment, thoughtful meetings and the level of support throughout.
Nata gave us access to her story of healing while leading us through our own. Steering me towards deeper healing and self discovery.”
The next REBOOT & NOURISH starts October 8th at 7:30pm EST
is a 21 Day group coaching program designed to put you in touch with your body, lower inflammation and break through habits that may no longer serve you.
We do this together as a group and focus on what to ADD IN rather than what to remove temporarily. We NOURISH ourselves deeply in order to give our systems the REBOOT we crave.
Food is medicine and during our time together we think about what we eat, when and how we eat it and how it makes us feel.
We focus on a true whole foods diet and slow down to listen to our needs.
Together, we go on a journey of self-exploration.
During our weekly ZOOM group coaching session, we will celebrate our successes, brainstorm to find solutions when we feel challenged and help hold one another accountable.
By removing potentially inflammatory or toxic foods, relationships and environmental factors for a period of two to three weeks, we learn to notice how these things really make us feel. That way, if and when we start to reintegrate them, we have a choice.
Example: when you drink three cups of coffee every day and two glasses of wine every night your system is so used to that you no longer notice what it does to you. Eliminate both for three weeks and then slowly start to reintegrate them and you will most likely notice a significant shift in your sleep, your energy levels, your skin, bowel movements etc.
There is immense power in doing this together as a group. The support we give each other is invaluable and we are guaranteed a good laugh during the process.
All along the way Natascha will offer loving guidance and support and will provide useful resources and recipes.
A 30 minute one on one coaching call is included where you can discuss your personal questions and needs with Natascha.
The benefits of this gentle cleanse include:
more energy and stamina
better sleep
greater mental clarity and focus
improved mood and a sense of calm
reduced cravings
enhanced libido
fewer aches and pains
better digestion
“I felt supported in making small changes in a gentle way which feel realistic for me to take forward. I have lost weight, but more than that, I feel brighter, lighter, I’m sleeping better and I feel back in my body!”
To be covered:
common foods likely to trigger inflammation in the body
toxins in our daily lives and how to minimize their effects
the body's detox pathways and how to activate them
the power of phytonutrients and adding color into our diets
self care to support elimination and detoxification
the importance of sleep and rest, stress and relaxation
how to activate the rest & digest branch of your nervous system
interviews with a clinical herbalist